Glenn Thomas (juni 2021)
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
I have wanted to paint an Expulsion from the Garden of Eden for many years now, but the abundance of masterpieces on the subject, (most notably Masaccio’s), constrained me. By reading John Milton’s Paradise Lost, and his unique approach to the subject, I became influenced by his impression of what could, or might have happened, and came to my own conclusions. Eve’s desire to be alone and experience some moments of solitude, completely confused and frightened Adam. This characteristic in Eve impressed me and she became more a heroine as opposed to the bad girl that spoiled infinite bliss and immortality in paradise. Might she have experienced the garden as a kind of prison, doomed to spend life with Adam for all eternity? Was her curiosity not to be admired? Painting Adam’s horror and despair were less of a problem then Eve… was she also horrified… or… perhaps overjoyed? Or both…